The {pnk}f(eli)x Blog

The informal ramblings of an ex-pat PL enthusiast

Vis-a-vis, Part 1: Visualizing Graphs via viz.js

This is a post discussing a couple different ways to draw pictures, mostly those of graphs (nodes and edges, i.e. circles or boxes, and lines between them).

The technology covered by this post is viz.js, a Javascript library for rendering graphs specified via the DOT language.

Its meant both as a reference for me to use when I want to remind myself of my options here, and as a demo of some interesting web technologies.

I hope in later posts to cover SVG (“Scalable Vector Graphics”) itself, and perhaps higher level Javascript libraries such as D3.

I will focus in these posts on client-side rendering technologies. Another entirely reasonable option is to render the content to an image (or SVG, or a JS script that renders into a canvas, et cetera). However, one of my goals with my documents is to embed all of the source text into the markdown content; a separate rendering tool would require some sort of pre-process step, and I am loathe to try to incoporate that into the Rakefile that Octopress uses.


The first item we will cover, since it amongst the simplest to adopt, is vis.js, a javascript library that provides graphviz-style rendering in the browser client.

(Graphviz is a tool for automatically laying out and rendering graphs; it is coupled with DOT, a simple domain-specific language for describing graph structures by defining the nodes, edges, and various attributes attached to them, like labels.)

Hooking up the JS source

Since this is using (heavy duty) javascript, you are not likely to want to put the supporting source code inline in your web page. Instead, you will need to load it up, either:

  1. from the original source site, or

  2. in a server-side local copy of the file that you deploy alongside your content (e.g. put it into the _source/javascripts/ directory, if you are using Octopress for a blog like this one).

I recommend the latter route, since the linked github repository is outside of your control, and if it dissapears, you lose the rendering and your page is broken.

After you have selected your source for the code, you need to make your page load it up, via a script tag invocation, like: <script src="/javascripts/viz.js" charset="utf-8"></script>;

This script can take a while to load. You may want to insert a warning, like this one, before the script invocation.

Injecting generated SVG into the document

Once the script is loaded, you can start using inline Javascript to render graphviz-style descriptions of directed graphs to SVG within the page.

The smallest example of this given in the viz.js documentation does this by dynamically adding to the innerHTML property:

    document.body.innerHTML += "<p>Sample addition.</p>";
    document.body.innerHTML += Viz("digraph { a -> b; }", "svg");

The above “works” (even in the context of an Octopress blog post), but it is a rather brute-force approach. Plus, the resulting composition of the blog text with the graphics added at the end is not likely to please you nor your audience.

We can do better: Add a content-less div tag (or p tag, et cetera), and then search for that element in a script block that will add our picture to the inner HTML for that tag.

Here is a concrete illustration of the idea (that does not use Graphviz or viz.js):

<div id="target_anchor0"></div>
    var elem = document.getElementById("target_anchor0");
    elem.innerHTML = "This text was injected.";

So, now that we know how to insert HTML into our document (even in the context of the markdown source for a blog post), let us dive into how to combine that with Graphviz, via viz.js.

dot_source holds DOT source

<div id="target_anchor1"></div>

    var dot_source = 'digraph { rankdir="LR"; bgcolor="transparent"; a -> b -> c; }';
    var elem = document.getElementById("target_anchor1");
    elem.innerHTML = Viz(dot_source, "svg");

The contents of dot_source make up a DOT program:

  • digraph means we are making a directed graph,

  • rankdir="LR" means we want the nodes to prefer horizontal left-to-right layout (the default is to have them vertically stacked top-to-bottom),

  • bgcolor="transparent" means we want a transparent background (the default is white, which is fine but a little offputting for this site),

  • a -> b means “I want an edge coming out of a and into b”; you can chain them together as shown in a -> b -> c.

Here is how that ends up rendering:

It turns out that the generated SVG is actually pretty readable. That is, I am able to use “Inspect Element” in my web browser, and I see there that the SVG element is actually made up of many g elements that have each had their class attribute set according to their role: the whole graph has class="graph", and then each node and edge is assigned "node1", "node2", "edge1", "node3", "edge2". (There are also comments embedded in the generated SVG above each element, so that one can map the element back to the node or edge in the original dot_source text.)

That is how to use viz.js to embed graphs described via DOT.

This can be especially useful if you are making a dynamic page where the user can inject their own graph descriptions, and you want viz.js to do the heavy lifting of deciding how to lay out the nodes.

Controlling node layout

But what if we want more control over the layout of the picture elements?

For example, one might want more control over layout to ensure that there is a easy-to-see correspondence between a series of pictures, or if there is a structural symmetry that is easier to see if the layout is also symmetrical.

Consider the following example graph:

<p id="target_anchor2">Symmetric structure but asymmetric layout: </p>
    var dot_source = 'digraph { rankdir="LR"; bgcolor="transparent"; a -> b -> c -> e; b -> d -> e -> a; }';
    var elem = document.getElementById("target_anchor2");
    elem.innerHTML = Viz(dot_source, "svg");

Symmetric structure but asymmetric layout:

There are a number of options at this point. We could abandon Graphviz (and viz.js), and do our diagrams directly in SVG. But, assuming we want to stay within the confines of viz.js, there are a few things we can do.

First, we can specify initial node positions by adding a pos attribute to each node that needs it. The default layout engine (called dot) just ignores such attributes, but other engines, such as the neato layout, will incorporate such information.

One can switch the layout engine via an argument to the Viz function, but I will instead do it by setting an attribute in the graph itself.

<p id="target_anchor3"></p>
    var dot_source = 'digraph { rankdir="LR"; bgcolor="transparent";'
    // Start of the layout selection code
    dot_source += 'layout="neato"; inputscale=72;' // specifying "neato" layout to allow init position specification
    dot_source += 'overlap="false";' // if you leave this out, the engine may put nodes in overlapping spots
    dot_source += 'start=0;' // seed the RNG (to ensure consistent results)
    // End of the layout selection code
    dot_source += 'a -> b -> c -> e; b -> d -> e -> a;';
    dot_source += ' }';
    var elem = document.getElementById("target_anchor3");
    elem.innerHTML = Viz(dot_source, "svg");

As you can see, we definitely have a different node layout. It is not yet directly illustrating the mirror symmetry of the graph structure, though. To achieve that, we could put the a node inside of a diamond shape formed by { b, c, d, e }.

We can specify node positions by adding separate declarations for each of the individual nodes, and then adding pos attributes for each.

dot_source += 'b [pos="0,40"]; a [pos="100,40"]; c [pos="160,80"];'
dot_source += 'd [pos="160,0"]; e [pos="220,40"];'

That shows the mirror symmetry of the graph.

The careful reader may have noticed an oddity in the above rendering: I had specified that a have an x-coordinate of 100, while the corresponding x-coordinate for c and d is 160; but in the rendering, all three of the nodes fall on a vertical line sharing the same x-coordinate. What happened?

The answer is that the input node positions are by default only as initial values; the layout engine may still choose to adjust them in order to “improve” the layout according to its internal heuristics.

We can override this by pinning the nodes in place. An individual node can be pinned by putting an exclamation point after the coordinate in its pos attribute, or equivalently by setting the nodes pin attribute to true.

dot_source += 'b [pos="0,40"]; a [pos="100,40!"]; c [pos="160,80!"];'
dot_source += 'd [pos="160,0!"]; e [pos="220,40"];'

Now we can see that a, c, and d are all pinned in place, and the resulting layout is perhaps not as nice.

In particular, the a -> b edge does not even have enough room for its arrow head. We could fix this by pinning the b node in place as well, but an alternative is to encourage graphviz to put more space between the nodes via the sep attribute.

dot_source += 'sep=0.2;' // treat each node as 1.2 times larger than it is

That is a pretty legible graph. Of course, the code to describe it is quite a bit more complex than our original code; hopefully I will not feel the need to specify node placement too often.

Edge attributes

Above we saw examples of node attributes, which can be used to adjust the node placement and rendering. (The family of attributes is much larger, and includes ways to specify shapes, color, label text, et cetera.)

Graphviz also offers the ability to customize attributes for each edge. This can also be useful for influencing layout. In particular, the len attribute can specify a preferred edge length (ignored by the dot layout), and the weight attribute can be increased to encourage the edge to be shorter (or, when len is specified and relevant, to encourage that edge length to more closely approximate len).

<p id="target_anchor7a"></p>
    var dot_source = 'digraph { rankdir="LR"; bgcolor="transparent";'
    dot_source += 'edge [weight=2];'
    dot_source += 'a -> b -> c -> e; b -> d -> e -> a [weight=1];';
    dot_source += ' }';
    var elem = document.getElementById("target_anchor7a");
    elem.innerHTML = Viz(dot_source, "svg");

Here we have used edge [weight=2] to specify a default weight of 2 for all edges, and then we override that weight for the e -> a edge (and just that edge). (Note: The dot layout requires integral values for weight.)

Here is the effect of this:

Look at that! We can see the mirror symmetry of the graph (depending on how much we are willing to squint with regards to that e -> a edge), but we did not have to do any layout hacking.

Unsurprisingly, a different weight-assignment may yield a different layout.

dot_source += '   { edge [weight=10]; a -> b; e -> a; }'
dot_source += '   { edge [weight=1]; b -> c -> e; b -> d -> e; }'

Here we have moved a portion of the edges into a subgraph, so that we can override their default weight as a group.

Perhaps more surprising, changing node introduction order in the source can also affect the layout.

dot_source += '   b -> a [dir="back"]; a -> e [dir="back"];'
dot_source += '   b -> c -> e; b -> d -> e;'

Here, we introduce the nodes b then a then e to encourage them to be laid out horizontally in that order, then apply the dir attribute so that the edge between them has its direction reversed.

Finally, if you want to describe a path through the graph, you can highlight the edges of the path by overriding their color and penwidth attribute.

<p id="target_anchor8"></p>
    var dot_source = 'digraph { rankdir="LR"; bgcolor="transparent";'
    dot_source += 'edge [weight=2];'
    dot_source += 'a -> b -> d;';
    dot_source += '{ edge [color="red",penwidth="3.0"]; b -> c -> e -> a [weight=1] }';
    dot_source += ' }';
    var elem = document.getElementById("target_anchor8");
    elem.innerHTML = Viz(dot_source, "svg");

Here again we have used a subgraph to reduce the annotation burden.

(One can use subgraphs for a number of other tricks, such as forcing all nodes in the subgraph to fall into the same rank, which can be another useful technique for encouraging particular layouts.)
