This post: I describe some changes to my blog’s presentation format, and how I hacked them in by cherry-picking from the shoulders of giants.
I’m a big fan of Edward Tufte’s work on presentation of information. He mostly focuses on graphical presentations, especially of statistical data. But really one can learn much from his overall presentation style, e.g. from how he formats his text.
Of course I am not the first person to recognize this. :)
Lots of people have been adapting Tufte’s style to formats compatible with standard electronic authoring environments.
tufte-latex is pretty cool, if you’re working in the realm of LaTeX. (For example, aturon’s thesis uses this style.)
tufte-css is pretty cool, if you’re working in the realm of writing HTML and want to just plug in a style sheet and go.
(I’m sure the hardcore Tufte fans in the audience are now saying “How can you claim to want to emulate Tufte’s work in a post that uses a bulleted list!?!” I think there remains a time and place for a bulleted list; this digression continues below.)
What if you’re trying to work with a blog system like Octopress?
Well, you’re actually in luck; other people have already done the work of adapting the style rules in tufte-css to Jekyll (the infrastructure that Octopress is built upon), yielding tufte-jekyll.
After skimming over the presentation over at tufte-jekyll and
suffering with recurrent Octopress issues, I briefly considered
rm -rf
‘ing Octopress from my blog system and adopting Jekyll directly.
(Which isn’t as big a deal as it sounds, since Octopress is built on
top of Jekyll and so in principle I would get to reuse much of my
previous customizations.)
But the reality is that I do not really want to spend that much time on this; having a presentation that matches every aspect of tufte-jekyll is not currently that important to me. (At least, not yet.)
What I really wanted was to cherry-pick certain aspects that I find important.
In particular, I really want sidenotes (and margin notes/figures), and an option for full width figures. I’ll discuss each in turn.
Luckily for me, the presentation of tufte-jekyll is itself somewhat dedicated to spelling out how each feature was added. In other words, it seems perfect to use as the basis for such cherry-picking.
Pretty much all of the things I wanted were implemented in tufte-jekyll via Jekyll Plugins. Let’s go through them one by one, largely just to prove to myself that it is all working as I expect,
(In actual practice, what this actually meant is that iteratively fixed my CSS and/or made my own variants of the plugins until this text rendered as a postable demonstration).
(The presentation below makes claims about how each construct is written in the source markdown; however, each case is assuming that one has installed the appropriate Jekyll plugins and SCSS support files)
Side Notes
My previous blog postsHey, a sidenote! One post that can/will benefit from these is my earlier GC and Rust Part 0. sometimes hacked in ad-hoc footnotes. But footnotes on the web are super awkward because I am never quite sure how far down into the post to collect the footnotes together. Furthermore, I dislike how my ad-hoc footnotes would disrupt the flow of the text if they were not placed at the bottom of the (potentially very long) post; but if they were all collected at the bottom, then navigating the page becomes unwieldy at best.
Side notes do not suffer from either of these problems.
Side note support (and margin content in general) does come at the cost of potentially introducing a large unused space on the right-hand side of the presentation.
But the CSS magic here is smart enough to only try to grab the space if it can afford to do so; if you are viewing this on a narrow device,Or make your browser window sufficiently thin relative to its font size. the superscript indicating the presence of an associated side note turns into a toggle switch for the associated content (now presented inline with the text when toggled on).
One writes a sidenote with the following liquid tag syntax:
which renders as: main contentside content
Margin Notes
Sometimes even the superscripted number that a sidenote carries is disruptive, and unnecessary if:
the content is lined up nicely, and
the presentation width for the main column is sufficiently wide.
In other words: Why not drop the superscript? This is a margin note without a superscript. The superscripts on sidenotes are a holdover from the world of footnotes.
That’s what marginnotes are for.
But again, one wants to handle the case where the rendering area is too narrow to set aside a margin. If your make the window narrow, you will see that a margin note is replaced with an inline symbolSince there is no number associated with a margin note, the symbol is a plus sign with a circle around it; I think it is this: “⊕” U+2295 (aka “CIRCLED PLUS”) that will provide the reader with a way to toggle the presentation of the elided content on and off, the same way that the superscript acted as a toggle for a sidenote above.
Anyway, the code for marginnote
is entirely analogous to that for sidenote
One writes a margin note with the following liquid tag syntax:
which renders as: main contentmargin content
Margin Figures
Another topic I have touched on (and plan to do more with soon) is drawing diagrams of graph structures. This usually involves SVG in some manner.
Here is a relatively simple bit of SVG:
I want to be able to present such diagrams in the same manner that
and tufte-jekyll
presents margin figures, full-width
figures, and column width figures.
However, tufte-jekyll
assumes in its plugin for these features that
whatever figure you want to present is held in a separate file.
Here is a margin figure; it shows a circle and a cubic bezier curve (along with helpful grid lines, which I need to figure out how to adjust the coordinates in the source SVG).
I resolved this by hacking the margin_figure.rb
plugin so that it
extends from Liquid::Block
instead of Liquid::Tag
, and then
hacking the implementation of the plugin until it started producing
the output I expect. By the time I finished, I had something
with a totally different feature-set and interface; so I renamed
this version of the plugin to marginblock
Actually, I think all of the side- and margin-content extensions discussed here have the same limitation that they only work with inline elements.
Important Caveat: this hacked marginblock
plugin can only handle
inline elements.
does work (via HTML or Markdown backticks), but
fenced code blocks do not, because they generate figure
and table
HTML code for certain elements (like
, orpre
elements) will fragment the content, with some initial portion in the margin, and the remainder injected into the main text.Markdown syntax that generates block-level elements has the same problem as HTML block-level elements.
For example, content after an empty line will be converted into a
element (and those will end up injected back into the main text).
In other words: any markdown syntax inside a marginblock
, including just an empty line
separating two blocks of text, will just confuse things.
So, don’t do that.
To write a margin block, use the following syntax:
1 2 3 |
Full Width Figures
You might have noticed that in the SVG diagram above, the diagram only spans the width of the “main text”, while the code block spans the full extent of the page, flowing into the margin area.
I have hacked the CSS so that all of the figures for code are given the full width of the page (otherwise, they always overflowed the available space, yielding unfortunate scroll bars).
Still, it might well be that some SVG diagrams will likewise need the
full width of the page.
provides a plugin for this (called fullwidth
), but
much like with its marginfigure
the fullwidth
plugin assumes that
the content to be rendered lives in a separate file. Analogously to
how I dealt with that by making my own version of plugin,
, I have here made my own fullwidth_figure
Here is that circle and bezier curve again, this time spanning the full width of the page:
So, all you need to do is write:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 |
which renders as:
or ul
, et
cetera, or Markdown that generates them.)
As the name implies, this is nested within a figure
that means, for example, you can use figcaption
to add a caption:
Drawbacks, Rendering Bugs and/or Gotcha’s
Originally I had a whole section here decrying the fact that I could
not put any line breaks into the source for a sidenote
, since the Liquid tag parser requires the entirety of a
tag be contained on one line.
But then I hacked up marginblock
(described above), and my problem
just goes away
Well, it goes away for superscript-free margin notes, at least.
If I ever feel the need to write a long side note, then I guess
I’ll make a sideblock
plugin at that time.
Besides, maybe discouraging me from writing long side notesI am pretty sure Infinite Jest would not work so well as a blog post. is not such a bad thing.
Oh, by the way, it looks like you cannot throw side notes just anywhereLike, say, a bulleted list; further discussion in the On Bulleted Lists section. and expect them to play nice with the other marked up text.
For example, it may appear at a inconsistently inset margin… or worse…
Markup in a surrounding context is handled somewhatThis is relatively fine, even though it was not written with emphasis. poorly, in that it may inherit the style of the surrounding markup it was embedded within
And some contexts, like code markup,Yeah, that raw HTML you see there is due to some bad interaction between the Jekyll sidenote plugin code and the markdown pre-processor. are handled especially poorly.
As in `not<label for='code-test' class='margin-toggle sidenote-number'></label><input type='checkbox' id='code-test' class='margin-toggle'/><span class='sidenote'>This is not fine </span> good.
On Bulleted Lists
Speaking of bulleted lists: I implied up above that Tufte has a problem with the use of bulleted lists, and that this is why the standard tufte-css does away with them.Or rather, it does away with the bullet sigils, not unordered lists themselves.
If you are curious about Tufte’s argument against the use of bulleted lists, I highly recommend you pick up his essay “The Cognitive Style of PowerPoint”, Your local library is more likely to carry “Beautiful Evidence” than the PowerPoint essay on its own (which one might deem a pamphlet). Alternatively, you can also purchase the Powerpoint essay as a PDF-format e-book on Tufte’s website. (which you can acquire on its own, or can be found as a chapter of his book “Beautiful Evidence”).
For me, when writing markdown, the visible bullets serve a purpose.
According to some conventions, my argument here is a strawman, because I have already failed by putting more than six words on a single bullet (“any more words per bullet, and you don’t have a bullet.”). I do not really have an argument against that, (except that Tufte himself seems to lambast such rules of thumb).
In particular, I sometimes attach more than one paragraph of text to an item in an unordered list.
But if I associate more than one paragraph of text with an item on such a list, then without the visible bullet, one cannot readily tell whether the new paragraph has started a new item, …
… or if it is a continuation of the previous item.
Then again, since the standard Octopress format does not indent unordered lists, the same problem arises unless one customizesSee the
variable in_layout.scss
its SCSS to turn it on. (I tried this, but it ends up being more trouble than its worth in terms of it breaking other things in the CSS implementing this main-and-margin presentation.)Have you noticed that the indentation of the margin notes that are attached to list-elements are a little screwy?
This is because of how the CSS is implemented; the main content elements (like
, et cetera) are all assignedwidth: 60%
, so that the remaining 40% is available for the margin content, which is then assignedmargin-right: -40%
in the CSS.The problem, as far as I can tell, is that the
is computed relative to the width of the parent element.When list content gets indented, the width of a list element is less than that of paragraphs in the main text, and so its computedmargin-right: -40%
is a bit smaller than that for other margin content, causing a slight (but annoyingly noticeable) difference.(Update: For that matter, the width of the text in nested list elements, like this one, does not play well with the margin content; the text of the list element in the main column is creeping into the margin.)
I have spent some time trying to puzzle this out, but at this point I am willing to just say “avoid attaching margin content to list elements.”
I am trying to learn how to make my blog posts more stream of thought
(for quick generation and publication), rather than carefully crafted
pieces of art. The bulleted list approach certainly provides a
quick-and-dirty way to do that.Speaking of quick-and-dirty, here is some really long text because I want to see what happens to the horizontal rule that divides the two parts of the main text below. At first different browsers handled the rendering in different ways; but now I have customized my SCSS so that hr
has the same width
constraint as a p
Update: a draft verison of this blog post had an hr
-element between the
previous paragraph and this point in the text. Then shortly before publication,
I changed the hr
-element to a new section heading, and didn’t notice that
the fix I had put into the CSS to make the span of hr
-element shorter
did not apply to the dotted line being rendered above the section header.
So, now (post publication) I have put back in an hr
-element at roughly the point
I expect it in the text.
How’d He Do Dat?
So how did I do all this?
I started by copying the tufte-jekyll plugins and SCSS support files into my blog source tree. Since I use Octopress, I had to move things around a bit:
that you find in tufte-jekyll’scss/
needs to go somewhere; I put a copy of it intosass/custom
.Then I made a copy of the copy and named it
In truth, the renamed copy came later, but it is good practice and simplifies the current discussion to assume I did it at the outset.After putting the
files into place, I had to actually load the main one into the Jekyll’s page generation system. That is accomplished via an@import
:@import "fsk_tufte";
Running the
rake generate
task to generate the CSS and the pages showed that there were references to undefined variables like$constrast-color
. I skimmed throughfsk_tufte.scss
and either removed such references or figured out where those variables were defined in the original tufte-jekyll source repository, and ported them over accordingly. For example,$contrast-color
was defined in_sass/_settings.scss
; I cut-and-pasted it intosass/custom/_color.scss
.I initially copied all of the plugins from tufte-jekyll’s
into myplugins/
.Even after doing this, a lot of things were broken. I spent a long time with a web browser’s “Inspect Element” tool, comparing how the tufte-jekyll post was being rendered to how my own draft blog post was rendered.
Over the course of doing this, I found it necessary to revise my
in myriad ways.
Revisions to _fsk_tufte.scss
I removed any content that I hypothesized was not related to my margin-rendering related goals. For example,
automatically increases the font size as the browser window width increases. I find this distracting as a programmer (and annoying as a reader), so I removed it.I changed the footnote font-size selection strategy.
Tufte-jekyll’s strategy is to use
“rem” stands for “root em” which in turn means “unit equal to the height of a capital M in the root (i.e.html
) element of the document” as thefont-size
for the margin text and then scaling up the font-size for the main content to be1.4rem
(so that the main text ends up 1.4x the size of the margin text).I instead used
font-size: 0.8rem;
for margin text, and leave the font-size for the main text unchanged (so that in principle it will remain at1rem
).My reasoning here is that the majority of the text should be occurring in the main content area, and we should be respecting the font settings chosen by the user in their browser for such text. If the user has selected a font size of 14, then that is what we should use for the main text; we should not be using 14 for the margin notes and scale the main text up to 1.4*14 (= 19.6).
After I noticed that my main-and-margin presentation style was begin applied even to things like the sidebar of the blog, I added guards to all of the relevant parts of
so that the main-and-margin styling only applies to elements that occur within anarticle
element (since the main content blocks always fall under an article).Those were rules like this:
// If a `ul`/`ol` occurs *immediately* (>) under an `article` article > ul, article > ol { width: 60% }
I also added customization to try to avoid double-applications of the percentage-based width restrictions; for example, I added a rule like:
p, ul, ol { p, ul, ol: width: 100 }
Update: Then I discovered that:
this rule was not necessary for the cases where I had originally needed it,
it is not actually being applied since it is overridden by other rules (presumably due to some resolution logic for CSS that I have not digested), and,
if you get it to apply, it has a negative overall effect on e.g. nested lists: it causes them to be assigned a width corresponding to main plus margin. (Clearly my mental model of what how these percentages relate to the parent element is flawed in various ways.)
So I have since removed that last rule.
Anyway, those are the main customizations of the SCSS that I can think of off-hand. You can of course just go peek at its source code if you want to see what it currently looks like (and perhaps offer tips on how I might revise it).