The {pnk}f(eli)x Blog

The informal ramblings of an ex-pat PL enthusiast

Surfaces and Signatures: Component Privacy Versus Dependence

I have had some thoughts on what privacy is used for in programming languages, and how it differs from the notion of dependence between modules (or at least compilation units) in a language like Rust. And I thought I should share.

I have been working on an RFCRequest For Comment: A document used to propose significant changes to the Rust language or standard library. meant to increase the expressiveness of Rust’s privacy construct (the pub modifier), and in the process hopefully simplify the mental model for what privacy means there.

However, I kept finding myself diving into regressions in my draft RFC document: idealized hypothetical semantics for privacy, and discussions of what motivates different aspects of that semantics.

Eventually I realized that such text was going to really bog down the RFC itself (which is meant to describe a relatively simple language change); so I decided it was time for a blog postYes, I know that I also am overdue for the next chapter in my GC blog post series; it is coming. , if for no other reason than to provide a place for me to cut-and-paste all those digressions.

Bugs including: “Trait re-exports fail due to privacy of containing module” (#18241), “Rules governing references to private types in public APIs not enforced in impls” (#28325) “Type alias can be used to bypass privacy check” (#28450), “Private trait’s methods reachable through a public supertrait” (#28514), “Non-exported type in exported type signature does not error” (#29668), There are a number of bugs that have been filed against the privacy checking in Rust; some are simply implementation issues, but the comment threads in the issues make it clear that in some cases, different people have very different mental models about how privacy interacts with aliases (e.g. type declarations) and re-exports.

The existing privacy rules in Rust try to enforce two things:

  1. When an item references a path, all of the names on that path need to be visible (in terms of privacy) in the referencing context, and,

  2. Private items should not be exposed in the surface of public API’s.

One might reasonably ask: What do I mean by “visible”, or “surface”?

For Rust today, “visible” means “either (1.) public, via pub, (2.) defined in the current module, or (3.) defined in a parent of the current module.”

But “surface” is a bit more subtle, and before we discuss it, I want to talk a bit about the purpose of “visibility” in the first place.

Digression: a dependence need not be visible

In a hypothetical idealized programming language (not Rust), and under a particularly extreme reading of the term “private”, changes to definitions that are private to one module would have no effect on the validity of pre-existing uses from other modules. Another way of looking at this: changes to private definitions in one compilation unit would not require other compilation units to be recompiled, and will not cause programs that previously type-checked to stop type-checking.

One form of this ideal is the following:

In this picture, one can see that the fn c() is a private component of “unit2”: it may just be an implementation detail of the body of pub fn b(), that the author of “unit2” can revise at will or eliminate entirely, without requiring any changes to “unit1” downstream.

A problem arises when one sees other kinds of composition, at least in language like Rust, where values are directly embedded into their containers. For example, instead of function calls, imagine type definitions:

In many other languages (e.g. Java, ML, Scheme), such changes do not require recompiling the downstream crate, because the members of structural types are just references to other heap-allocated values, rather than being directly embedded in the allocated structure. In this situation, even though the struct C is not publicly accessible outside of “unit2”, changes to struct C will still require the downstream “unit1” to be recompiled (because the contents of struct A, and thus its size in bytes, may have changed along with struct C).

So, what does it mean that C is “private”, if there is still a dependence from the contents of “unit1” on the supposedly private definition of struct C?

My answer to this is to distinguish between visibility versus dependency.

In the above picture, struct A in “unit1” has a dependence on the definition of struct C in “unit2”. But struct C remains invisible to struct A, in the sense that one cannot actually write a direct reference to that type in the context of “unit1.”

What is visibility for?

Some basic definitions: An item is just as it is declared in the Rust reference manual: a component of a crate, located at a fixed path (potentially at the “outermost” anonymous module) within the module tree of the crate.

Every item can be thought of as having some hidden implementation component(s) along with an exposed surface API.

So, for example, in:

pub fn foo(x: Input) -> Output { Body }

the surface of fn foo includes Input and Output, while the Body is hidden.

What I would like is to establish the following invariantYes, this is basically a rephrasing of the second of the previously-stated pair of goals of the existing privacy rules. for the language: if an item I is accessible in context C, then the surface for I does not expose anything that is inaccessible to C.

Intuition behind what “surface” means

I am taking care to distinguish between the phrase “exposed surface API” (more simply put, “surface API” or just “surface”), versus the more common unqualified phrase “API”, because some items have components that I argue are part of the item’s programming interface, but are not part of the publicly exposed surface of the item (further discussed in a later section).

The inutition behind the term “surface” is this: The exposed surface of an item is all of the components“components” means: types, methods, paths … perhaps its easiest to just say “names.” that the client operation’s context must be able to reference to in order to use this item legally.

There are two halves to this, that are roughly analogous to the output and input types of a function: ensuring that local reasoning holds, and ensuring an interface is actually usable.

Restricting output surface enables local reasoning

A function’s return type is part of its exposed surface, because if a module has decided that a type T should be inaccessible in some outer context C, then we do not want a value of that type to flow into C while still having the type T.Of course if the type of the value is hidden, e.g. a Box<PrivateType> behind a Box<PublicTrait>, then that is fine as always.

In other words, we wish to reject such code in order to enable module authors to employ local reasoning about all possible locations in the source code that the operations on instances of T could be invoked.

This is a soundness criteria: People need to be able to employ this kind of reasoning.

Restricting input surface catches API mistakes

A function’s input types are part of its exposed surface, because without access to such types, the function is not callable.

In other words, we wish to reject such code in order to catch bugs where a crate is accidentally providing a function without realizing that it cannot actually be used in the contexts that the author wants it available in.

This is not a soundness criteria; it is just a language usability one.In the long run, I suspect that the local reasoning enabled by restricting the output surface is going to be more important than the benefits of restricting the input surface. I am not aware of any case where we actually need to choose between the two; I am more speaking of where we should direct our attention.

Why is a “surface” not the same as a signature?

Intuitively, one might ask: “well, this is easy: the signature of fn foo is fn (Input) -> Output; does that not suffice as the description of the surface of fn foo?”

I am distinguishing the above notion of “surface” from the idea of a “signature”, for the following reason: To my mind, the signature (e.g. of a type or a function) contains all of the meta-data needed to check (in the current crate or in other crates) whether a item is being used properly. Such a signature may include references to names that are not actually accessible in the current context. Compare this to the surface, which is the subset of the names of the signature that must be accessible in any context where the item is itself accessible.

One example of where this kind of thinking can be applied is where clauses. A where-clause can reference things that are not accessible outside of the module of the function. I would consider such a where clause to still be part of the function’s signature (e.g., I would expect the compiler to reject my attempt to call the function if I violate the encoded constraint), but I do not necessarily consider the types or traits within that where clause part of the surface API, since there are hidden parts to the constraint that I do not have access to in my calling module.

Here is a concrete example that runs in Rust 1.5:

mod a {
    struct S(&'static str);                 // private struct type S
    pub trait Trait { fn compute(&self) -> i32; }

    impl Trait for (i32, S) {
        fn compute(&self) -> i32 { self.0 + ((self.1).0.len() as i32) }

    pub fn foo<X>(x: X) -> i32
        where (X, S): Trait // where clause refers to private type S

fn main() {
    println!("{}", a::foo(3));

There are other examples that we may want to support in the future. For example, Rust (version 1.5) considers bounding a type parameter directly via a private trait to be illegal, but we might reasonably revise the rules to say that while such a bound is part of the signature, it need not be part of the surface.

(A very similar construction is allowed in Rust 1.5: A pub trait can have a private parent trait, which allows us to encode the latter construction anyway: the surface area of a function does not include the parent traits of bounds on its type parameters.)

That’s a lot of text to read. Here is the kind of code I am talking about:

mod a {
    struct S(String);                      // private type
    trait Trait { fn make_s(&self) -> S; } // private trait
    pub trait SubT: Trait { }              // public trait to placate rustc

    pub fn foo<X:SubT>(x: X) { // public fn that external code *can* use.
        let s: S = x.make_s();

    // Impl trait for both () and i32, so clients can call `foo` on () or i32.
    impl Trait for () { fn make_s(&self) -> S { S(format!("():()")) } }
    impl Trait for i32 { fn make_s(&self) -> S { S(format!("{}:i32", self)) } }
    impl SubT for () {}
    impl SubT for i32 {}

    impl S { fn do_stuff(&self) { println!("stuff with {}", self.0); } }

fn main() {

In short: the term “surface API” here is not synonymous with the term “signature”.

Assuming that you believe me that this new term, “surface API”, is actually warranted, you might now ask: “How does one determine the surface API of an item?” That is one of those questions that may sound trivial at first, but it is actually a bit subtle.

Let us explore.

Some items can change their surface based on context

For some items, such as fn definitions, the surface API is the same regardless of the context of where the item is used; for example, if a function is visible to you, then its surface API is simply its argument and return types, regardless of from where the function is referenced.

However, the previous rule does not generally hold for most items; in general, the exposed surface of a given item is dependent on the context where that item is referenced.

The main examples of this are:

All of these bullets are phrased as “can be hidden”, i.e., the visibility may be restricted. However, in Rust today, one can write: mod a{struct X{pub y: i32}} I may want to generalize the statements here. (Then again, I am not clear whether there is any way to actually use the y field that has been exposed in this way.)

  • struct fields can be hidden in a struct,

  • inherent methods can be hidden relative to the type they are attached to, and

  • items can be hidden in a mod.

In all cases where a surface component can be hidden in this context-dependent fashion, there is an associated pub-modifier present on the definition of that component.

As an example of how the surface of a struct is context dependent, the following is legal:

mod a {
    struct Priv(i32);

    pub mod b {
        pub struct F {
            pub    x: i32,
                   y: ::a::Priv,

        // ... accesses to F.{x,y} ...
    // ... accesses to F.x ...

mod k {
  use a::b::F;
  // ... accesses to F and F.x ...

Within mod b, the surface API of F includes both the fields x and y, which means that the use of the type Priv is okay, since that is accessible from the context of mod b.

Elsewhere, such as within mod k, the surface API of F is just the field x. But this is again okay, because the type of x: i32 is visible everywhere.

Aliases and translucency

Some items, such as type aliases, const definitions, or rebinding imports a la use <path> as <ident>, can act to introduce named aliases to an item.

In such cases, the alias itself has its own associated visibility:

mod a {
    pub struct S(String); // public type
    type Alias1 = S;      // private alias to the type

pub use a::S as Alias2;   // public alias to the type

The surface of simple aliases is also simple: the surface of an alias is just the paths referenced on its right-hand side.

As a small additional wrinkle, type aliases can be type-parametric. In general, the exposed surface of a type alias are the bounds on its type parameters, plus the paths referenced on its left-hand side.

So, for example, according to the rules today:

mod bad_aliases {
    struct Private1(String); // private type
    pub type PubAlias1 = Private1; // ERROR: private type exposed in pub surface

    trait PrivateTrait { }
    pub type PubAlias2<X:PrivateTrait> = i32; // ERROR: private trait exposed in pub surface

The more interesting issue is how other surface APIs are influenced when they reference an alias.

For example:

mod a {
    pub struct S(String); // public type
    type Alias1 = S;      // private alias to the type

    pub fn twice(s: Alias1) -> String { s.0 }
    //              ~~~~~~
    //                 |
    // Should a `pub fn` be able to reference a private alias,
    // if it points to a suitably public type (like `S` here)?

pub use a::S as Alias2;   // public alias to the type

Should it be legal for us to publicly export fn twice from mod a, even though it’s signature references a private type alias?

The language team recently debated this topic, because it was suggested that allowing this would reduce breakage from a pull request.

The conclusion for now was to continue to disallow the reference to the private alias in the signature of a public function.

However, there are similar cases that are allowed today (also discussed on that same PR), mainly involving references to const paths from types in such signatures.

mod a {
    const LEN: usize = 4;
    pub fn max(a: [i32; LEN]) -> i32 { a.iter().map(|i|*i).max().unwrap() }
    //                  ~~~
    //                   |
    // A reference to a private const in a public signature
    // is legal in Rust today.

fn main() {
    println!("{}", a::max([1,4,2,3]));

I have not made up my mind as to which option would be better here. We may decide to leave things as they are, or loosen the rules for type aliases (so that they act more like const in the latter code), or we may tighten the rules for references to const (so that one would have to make LEN in the above code pub).

Regardless of what path we take, I think it makes sense today for the language specification to at least identify a high-level abstraction here, rather than dealing with each alias-creating form like type or const or use individually in an ad-hoc manner.

Namely, I want to pin down the idea of a translucent name. Such a name is not part of the API surface where it occurs; instead, an occurrence adds the surface of the alias statement itself to the API surface.

So, as another artifical example, if we were to change the language so that type aliases were translucent when determining the exposed surface of an API, then we might have the following:

mod a { // (not legal Rust today)
    pub struct S(String); // public type
    pub trait Bound { type X; fn trait_method(&self) -> Self::X; }
    impl Bound for String { type X = String; fn trait_method(&self) -> String { self.clone() } }
    impl Bound for S { type X = String; fn trait_method(&self) -> String { self.0.clone() } }

    type Alias<T: Bound> = (T, T::X, S); // private Alias, with surface = {Bound, S}

    pub fn free_fun<T: Bound<X=String>>(a: Alias<T>) -> String
    //                 ~~~~~   ~~~~~~      ~~~~~        ~~~~~~
    //  free_fun has     |       |           |            |
    //     surface = { Bound, String, surface(Alias), String }
    //             = { Bound, String,    Bound, S   , String }
    //             = { Bound, S, String }
    // which is compatible with `free_fn` being `pub`, because
    // `Bound`, `S`, and `String` are all `pub`.
        format!("{}{}", a.0.trait_method(), (a.1).0)

Note 1: Even though Alias is type-parameteric over T, that parameter would not be considered part of its surface. Anyone using the alias would have to have access to whatever type they plugged in there, of course.

Note 2: Type parameter bounds not enforced on type aliases in Rust yet.

This computation and questions here would become a little more interesting if we had restricted visibility access modifiers on associated items in traits. However, we do not have to consider it: All associated items are implicitly pub, and so we do not need to worry about whether the X in a projection like T::X is visible. All that matters is whether the trait Bound itself is visible (which is already reflected in the surfaces where Bound is used).


Okay, that was of a bit of a meandering tour through some of the issues I have been thinking about.

The big ideas I want to stress are these:

  • The “surface” of an item can be different from the “signature” of that item.

  • Restricting the components in a surface of an item according to the visibility of that item (1.) enables local reasoning and (2.) catches API mistakes.
